Why Clean Food Data is the Non-Negotiable for Future Scalability

Why Clean Food Data is the Non-Negotiable for Future Scalability

Aug 10, 2021 // Jonathan Press

Clean Data: The Gatekeeper of the Future’s Food Industry

In just a few years, the food companies that compete at the highest levels will be masters of their data. They won’t simply collect it across a dozen tools and spreadsheets. They’ll wield it like a weapon that can be transported across systems and users in an instant.

The writing’s on the wall. We’re already headed there quickly.

But before you can use an Open API, there’s one thing you must have first: clean data.

Clean data is consistent, without error or duplication, and follows clear and precise rules for how it’s structured That means no misspellings of “tomatos”, competing procedures for baking a muffin, or three different alfredo recipes (each with a slightly different ratio of cheese to milk). 

Also Read: The Food Error Eliminator

APIs will turn clean, error-free data into insight and power. But they aren’t mind-readers, nor can they make interpretations about whether a recipe calls for 1 “Tbps”, “tbs”, or “tps” of butter.

The future is built on APIs, and APIs run on clean data.

Clean Your Data, Enter the Era of APIs

👉 See how Galley’s API unlocks greater flexibility and profitability. 

Welcome to the new standard in food data.


The Food Costing Framework


Real-World Examples of API-Powered Efficiency from Food Companies